Application Process
Application packages must be submitted by no later than 5 p.m. (EST) on January 13, 2023. All application packages must be compiled in one PDF file and summitted electronically to with a subject line "Last Name, First Name - KCLA Scholarship".
An application package must include the following:
a completed and signed Application Form (see below to download);
response to Essay Questionnaire (1,000 words max.);
an unofficial undergraduate transcript issued by the applicant's undergraduate institution or school of study, covering all academic semesters up to and including fall 2022, and evidence of enrollment in the upcoming academic year; and
a proof of identification (e.g. driver's license, health card, passport).
The following supporting documents are optional but, to the extent available and if provided, will be considered by the Scholarship Committee of KCLA:
the applicant's resume or curriculum vitae;
evidence of registration for LSAT (whether for a previous test or for an upcoming test) or LSAT study course/program; and
evidence of current or previous application to one or more Canadian law schools.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
No application materials will be returned. Application packages will be reviewed by the members of the Scholarship Committee of KCLA in strict confidence.
Selection Process
The Scholarship Committee of KCLA will review each complete application package that meets the eligibility criteria set out below. KCLA reserves the sole and absolute discretion to determine the Scholarship eligibility and recipients. KCLA's decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.
Scholarship recipients will be notified of KCLA's decision upon completion of the selection process. Scholarship recipients will be invited to attend an in-person award ceremony where the scholarship will be presented. Applicants who are not selected will not be notified.

The Scholarship is open to applicants who meet the following requirements:
Be currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution in Canada;
Be of Korean heritage studying in Canada, regardless of citizenship status;
Have a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in law and legal education at a Canadian law school in the near future; and
Demonstrate financial need
2022-23 Scholarships
The following scholarships will be awarded to the selected recipients:
Baker McKenzie KCLA Scholarship ($1,500);
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP KCLA Scholarship ($1,500);
McCarthy Tétrault LLP KCLA Scholarship ($1,500); and
Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP KCLA Scholarship ($1,500).